Redesain formulir deteksi dini tumbuh kembang di Rumah Sakit Muslimat Singosari

  • Siti Nur Halimah ITSK RS Dr.Soepraoen Malang
  • Retno Dewi Prisusanti
  • Achmad Jaelani Rusdi
Keywords: Design, DDTK, Medical record


Growth monitoring is the main activity of the nutrition improvement program, which focuses on efforts to prevent and improve the nutritional condition of toddlers according to Saurina, 2016. Medical records are used as a reference in planning the service process or therapy for patients in carrying out further actions, so that the quality of health information is always maintained and continues to improve and is sustainable. It is necessary to have good management of medical records, organized the flow of the examination process so that on the Early Detection of Growth and Development (DDTK) form in the Hospital, there needs to be consideration for more detail, detail and structure in accordance with the reference provided by the local Health Office, no longer joining the general examination form. And it can be socialized used as it should be for the form to be more effective in establishing the diagnosis. This study aims to redesign the early detection form of growth and development (DDTK) in children at Muslimat Hospital. Research methods with a descriptive qualitative approach. Analyze existing forms to be added with references from DINKES, to facilitate the work of implementing officers (Medical Personnel) and medical record officers to be developed in a detailed and structured manner. It is hoped that the new DDTK form can facilitate the work of medical record officers and health workers.


How to Cite
Halimah, S., Prisusanti, R., & Rusdi, A. (2022). Redesain formulir deteksi dini tumbuh kembang di Rumah Sakit Muslimat Singosari. Jurnal Informasi Kesehatan & Administrasi Rumah Sakit (IKARS), 1(2), 32-37.

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