Vaksinasi COVID-19 sebagai upaya menurunkan angka kejadian COVID-19 pada komunitas pendidikan DI TVRI STASIUN YOGYAKARTA

  • Setyo Retno Wulandar STIKes Yogyakarta
  • Sri Handayani STIKes Yogyakarta
  • istichomah - istichomah stikes yogyakarta
Keywords: Vaksin covid 19, komunitas, Pendidikan



Coronavirus disease or known as COVID-19 is a disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV). As an effort to prepare for the implementation of face-to-face learning in the DIY region, Komnasdik (National Commission for Education) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in collaboration with POLDA DIY, TVRI Yogyakarta and STIKes Yogyakarta held the provision of Sinovac vaccine for the community, especially the education community


The type of activity carried out is in the form of procurement and administration of vaccines for the general public, especially the Education community in the DIY region. Lecturers and students play an active role in the implementation of vaccinations organized by Komnasdik Together with POLDA DIY, TVRI, and STIKes Yogyakarta. Participants in community service activities were attended by 425 people who had met the requirements for vaccination through a screening process

Result :

The second phase of the COVID-19 vaccine was given to 425 people, the general public, disabled people, students, and college students.

Conclusion :

The vaccination event went smoothly. Through the implementation of this vaccine, it is hoped that it will reduce the number of cases of COVID-19, increase immunity, and reduce the risk if conditions worsen.

How to Cite
Wulandar, S., Handayani, S., & istichomah, istichomah. (2022). Vaksinasi COVID-19 sebagai upaya menurunkan angka kejadian COVID-19 pada komunitas pendidikan DI TVRI STASIUN YOGYAKARTA. Pengabdian Masyarakat Cendekia (PMC), 1(1), 1-4.